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  1. Preena Sathish

    Thank you sir
    First time giving accupressure points
    Please sir suggest few points, may be we are strong when we hear your videos but practically we drain ourselves when we are sick, but use your ideas timely, but now evryone is sick around cold, cough ,and feel wierd and stressed, so such points and videos to the present situations, will motivate us. Even Healer Tyagarajan sir ? will say you listen to your body it will speak.So listen and give pressure . Anyway you& your videos are an inspiration to many.Thank you
    Vazgha Valamudan ?


    உண்மைதான் சார்.. உச்சந்தலையை தேய்க்கும் பொழுது தூக்கம் வருவது போல் தெரிகிறது.

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