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18-01-2018 சீமான் வாழ்த்துரை | வேலு பிரபாகரனின் கடவுள்-2 படத் துவக்க விழா – வடபழனி

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18-01-2018 சீமான் வாழ்த்துரை | வேலு பிரபாகரனின் கடவுள்-2 படத் துவக்க விழா – வடபழனி | Seeman Full Speech Velu prabhakaran's Kadavul2 Movie Poojai – Vadaplani Chennai RKV Studio | Vairamuthu | Hraja | Bharathiraja | Andal controversy

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  1. Jackson Francis

    one of the mullty talnted politiker is seeman, seeman is a role model for tamil nadu youngsters, before 10 years 1 seeman had started this nam tamilar katchi today over 250,000 thousand seemankal is running this nam tamilar katchi, tamil nadu don,t have a single corruption free politiker, all of them are corrupt, evin ragini, kamal, anbumani all are corrupt too, only nam tamilar katchi seeman and his 234 mla,s all are corruption free politikers,they all are young well educated as engineers doctors advocates, lawyears, professors teachers, ets, seeman only have the brilliant future plan, it,s call VARAIVU in 330 page,s you all can read it internet, this the only political katchi is having there branches in 151 countrys from all over the world, if you love your mother land tamil nadu then please join with nam tamilar katchi and help seeman to rebuild a new tamil nadu,

  2. Raj Gunaratnam

    அண்ணா எப்ப அண்ணா தமிழ் நாட்டுமக்கள் உங்கள் ஆட்சியின் கீழ் வாழ்வார்கள் காண ஆவலாக உள்ளோம்

  3. Garudan tres-bien

    Sir SEEMAN the next CM of Tamil Nadu, and NTK with his young college intellect full of bright ideas to prosper and raise TN to 1st World Standard like SINGAPORE. So Tamils Please Vote Sir SEEMAN for your bright future.

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