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30-07-2017 சீமான் – செய்தியாளர் சந்திப்பு – பசும்பொன் | Seeman Pressmeet – Pasumpon | Abdulkalam

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30-07-2017 சீமான் – செய்தியாளர் சந்திப்பு – பசும்பொன் | Seeman Pressmeet – Pasumpon | Muthuramlinga thevar | APJ Abdulkalam | Neet Exam | RSS | BJP | Hinduthuva | Rameswaram

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  1. modern தமிழா

    உலகத்திற்கு சோறு போட்டவன் தமிழன். இப்போது அவனுக்கு சோறு போட போவது யார்?

  2. Jackson Francis

    seeman is a role model for tamil nadu youngsters seeman had open there eys , after jallikattu poraddam over 80 % the youngsters are supporting to nam tamilar katchi, this is the only politikal katchi in the whole world have branches in 138 countrys in all over the world, over 10 years are seeman had work verry hard to come to this great possion, to day this is all most a youths katchi, they are our next generation, now this is the only politikal katchi is growing day by day , most of the peoples have understand seeman verry soon in all india will be a verry big politikal katchi, nam tamilar katchi, now most of the other partys want to join with nam tamilar katchi, now every body have a undersanding for seeman, his politikal vision is verry great ,what nam tamilar katchi VARAIVU ( future plan ) is 1000 % is correct, that is what poor innosent peoples need, last 50 years are our peoples surferd enough, they all can get help this master plan from seeman VARAIVU, this what is all over the world is doing, if all the tamil nadu peoples give your full support to seeman in 10 to 15 years tamil nadu is all most like singapore, yes it is possible, if you all together support seeman, he have brilliant idieas how to devalop the tamil nadu, we all have to get together and throw out all this corrupt dravider partys out of tamil nadu politic, no more dravidan ,only nam tamilar katchi is inthe tamil nadu politic, then only we can go on the strait line, nam tamilar kaatchi is only for poor innosent peoples , please look kerala, — karnataka, — telungana, — andhra all this states are getting 1000 times better than tamil nadu why? how?BECAUSE THOSE STATES ARE ONLY RULE BY THERE OWN PEOPLES not like tamil nadu here over 50 years are ADMK DMK both dravider partys ruling and totall ruiniert the whole tamil nadu, now they both are ADMK DMK ,mullty billioners in us doller, that is why tamil nadu here after only rule by a real corruption free tamilan no more dravidan, the right person is seeman only, if you love your mother land tamil nadu please join with nam tamilar katchi and help seeman to rebuild a new tamil nadu , i pray for you all everry day , please don,t gobehind rajini or kamal or deepa ops eps sasikala, we don,t need them any more only nam tamilar katchi , may god bless you all thank you sir,

  3. Selva Ganesan

    பெண்களை பெற்ற தாயாகவும்,சகாதரியாகவும் நினைக்காதவனை மனிதனாகவே ஏற்க முடியாது.;ஐயா முத்துராமலிங்கம்.

    1. விக்னேசு வரண்

      Selva Ganesan ஐயா அப்படி என்றால் யாருக்கும் திருமணம் என்ற ஓன்று நடக்காது… அறிவை பயன்படுத்தி பேசுங்கள்…. நாம் தமிழர்?????

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