World food day /Cookery Demonstration @ Sparrc/Protein Rich Low Carb Diet – Part. 1
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Paneer Samai Cutlet
Moong Sprouts Spinach Adai
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Paneer Samai Cutlet
Moong Sprouts Spinach Adai
Thank you so much mam.. As a pure vegetarian it helps me a lot.
Thanks a lot for the recipes with added nutritional information, all delivered with a smiling face. Your recipes are innovative and encourage us to eat healthy foods. It would be a great help if you could give the ingredients and their proportions below this video. Thanks again.
Sorry. I was Ina hurry to upload on the same day. No time to upload. I will try to give if possible in that itself
Madam iam also waiting for this
மல்லிகாமேம் சூப்பர்ஹெல்த்தி ரெசிப்பி.சித்ராமேம்.பேசாம நிக்கறீங்க
Thank you for the wonderful healthy receipe mam
Happy food day madam
Hello mam clear explanation mam
Hi maam
Is the keerai boiled in the paste with sprouts
very useful and informative program mam. Above all your smiling face is very much inspirational to us. Thanks madam
Happy food day you mam
Informative video with awesome recipes!
Thank you Suhasini
Happy food day mam
Aunty it is so good to hear small small info about women’s health ?♥️ a small request : once in a week can you pls put a short video on health tips, daily routine health related tips like eating fenugreek regularly etc so that we can also follow and get benefited out of it.
Excellent ?? thanks
Ok. I will try Bhuvana
Happy world food day. யாரும் உணவை வீணாக்காதீர்கள்
நீங்க sparrc fitness programme attend பண்ணிருக்கேளா?
Super healthy information. Chitra Mallika both are rocking. Excellent programme. நிறைய health tips சொல்றீங்க. Diet chart 50+ladies ku podungo. ???
Chithra akka pesiruntha nalla irukum….malliha paaty recipe super?
Very nice.thanks for sharing so many health tips.very useful.came to know so many things from this video.
Thank you Harini
Mallika Akka super super
Super explanation Where it was taken place If you inform it in advance we would have participate. Hear after you pl inform in advance such programes
It is for a closed group . The Sparrc – Fitness centre where I go regularly
Ma’am do you take regular classes like these regarding nutritious food if yes I would like to participate in these classes please reply ma’am can you also share your email Id I will mail you my details
I don’t take classes but have some plans to share healthy , weight loss recipes after Deepavali
Namaskaram mam I am Arthritis patient so please I need any receipe podungo mam
I will try to give more health information in future