Bangalore Vidyarthi Bhavan hotel famous masala dosa, / Karnataka famous dosa – Mallika Badrinath
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special Butter masala dosa | Masala dosa | Coriander chutney|Potato Masala |Nutrient rich
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Sharing this video with my cousin in B’lore !!
Our bangalore special ghandibazaar vidyarthibhavan dosa 75 years
Nice madam…its tempting to make and eat..
Hallo mam super o super romba famous vidyarthibavan dosai adu madiri varadu ippa try pandren unga receipi thank you so much andal blessings ??????
Thankyou for the receipe mam, will try it definitely
Bangalore masala dosai famous , my favorite item mam. Thanks u for wonderful sharing.
இனிய வணக்கம் அம்மா ,தோசை மிகவும் அருமை அம்மா
Good morning mam. Awesome cooking and receipes are super and excellent and hats off to u mam. I like this dosai very much
Thank you.