Gluten-free Rice flour Poori / அரிசி மாவிலும் பூரி செய்யலாம் எல்லா வயதினருக்கும் ஏற்றது.
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#அரிசி மாவு பூரி #Glutenfree recipe #Ricepuri #proccessedRiceFlour #Puri
Ingredients : Processed Rice flour – ( கழுவி உலர்த்திய பச்சரிசி மாவு) 1 cup , salt , oil , water
Thank you so much Madam. Because I am allergy of wheat. Vazaga Valamudan Madam.
Thank you.
Wow man, I never knew about rice poori. I will try it out immediately. Tq for highlighting on gluten free info. Tqvm ???
Your preparation very Good
Seeing rice flour poori for the first time. Excellent
thanks for sharing this gluten-free recipe.
Super mom nalla recipe I will dry thank you
Thanks for sharing mam
Thank you maam for sharing this unique recipe 🙂
Wow so different…
அரிசி பூரி,அதிசய பூரி
Thank you aunty I am allegeric to wheat Good to see poor I in rice flour
Girija Sundaram Rex
முதன் முறையா அரிசி மா பூரி
Different ma thank u
பிரமாதம் மல்லிகா மா
Healthy recipe
Wow.. Very different new recipe ?? Thanks ?
Rosted rice flour maavaa…mam??
Thanks for this recipe.. Can you upload some more gluten free recipes madam please
Yes.I will show
Madam, make your channel as “ Mallika Badrinath cooks ! “ ..many people who are used to your recipe books could not relate your cooking you tube to your recipe book. The name Badrinath is missing ! Please add it.
Nice idea.When we started we didn’t get this.Now we can’t change the channel name.Thanks for your suggestion.I will keep in my mind for future , if we start a second channel.
செய்து பாக்குறேன் மா
Thank u mam ur recipes i have alarge