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    1. Vetri Vendhan

      சூப்பர் இனிப்பு டிபன் சைவம் அசைவம் கூட்டு.பொரியல் என்று அனைத்தையும் வீடியோ போடுங்கள் உங்கள் புத்தகம் பார்த்துவிட்டு தான் நான் சமையல் தெரிந்துகொண்டேன்

  1. Sakthi Priya

    Hello ma’am, congrats for the start of the new channel, May this channel flourish and live long. I am a big fan of yours and I was super excited by hearing the launch of the channel. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Yummy days with Kavitha

    Ur an expert in cooking n have a very super experience working in many channels but Shocking to see ur video n audio quality background Romba kasakasanu erruku…. Particularly every shot antha dirty mat thaeriuthu…. I’m not able to c continuously….i expected a super n professional effect but sorry MA…. I still refer ur book for cooking which my mom gifted me 10 years back

  3. Tamizh Selvi S

    Hi mam,
    Very happy to see your new utube venture.Looking for some cake recipe without maida,sugar,baking powder and baking soda for my baby.Searched the internet but in vain.Can you post one.I am sure of getting the best recipe from you.Thanks in advance

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