#Shorts 136-மாம்பழ அல்வா/ Mango Halwa – Easy method using Microwave oven- Mallika Badrinath
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Ingredients :
Finely cut Ripe mango -3 cups
Sugar -1 1/2 cups
Ghee -1 Tbl.sp
Total cooking time in microwave oven -25 minutes
Standing time -3 minutes
Mallika Badrinath Cook books on Microwave oven :
100 தென்னிந்திய மைக்ரோவேவ் சமையல்
100 மணக்கும் மைக்ரோவேவ் சமையல்
In English & Tamil
Can be bought from
Pradeep Enterprises
20/90 Poes garden
Chennai -600086
what's app number
73581 86557
Super & mouth watering ma’m
Looks awesome ,same procedure in pan also
Yes.But more ghee should be added when it sticks to the pan
Tasty healthy halwa ?easy method
Thank you madam ? ????
Easy mango drink/syrup without heating panna mudiyuma? Mango kulfi healthy ah pannuradha pathi sollunga…
Ok.I will show