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    Mam,thanks for the salad.please put more salads in future.seeing you after so many years.you have become so fit and glowing and ofcourse with your beautiful smile.your books are there with me.

  2. Raudri Nrisimhi

    After two days, smell comes in the sprouts madam, that’s why I left. I will try again. I didn’t wash it when sprouting. , Without sprouting also it’s okay right , just after a day soaked in water, I drink that water plus soaked methi seeds. Iam polycystic and obese so I need a proper way to decrease my stomach size. Thanks, also please share any thing related to my needs.thankyou very much.

  3. Srividya Dey

    Hello ma’m. Naan unga fan. Have been watching your cookery shows for a very long time. I have started having the vendaya salad. Really love the taste. Oru confusion. Can I have this salad first thing in the morning after having a glass of warm water?? Thanks and God bless you always ?

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